The experts from famous Australian software developer, Liz Cornwell and André Coolfix, compile Turbo Windows and make it a simple and compact PC speedup and optimization book. Just in 174 pages, this book will explore and expose all the basic aspects of computer speedup, maintenance, and optimization.
The Windows tips and trick in Turbo Windows - the Ultimate PC Speed Up Guide is explained in a easy to understand language. The technical terms has been kept to minimal in order not to discourage novice or common Windows user. Screenshot images are provided in the step-by-step instructions that will guarantee easy learning.
Almost everything about computer tweaks are explored and explained in this book. Including:
- back up a Windows PC
- hardware upgrade and installation
- how to improve hard drives durability and stability by simple techniques to clean up and optimize them
- speed up Windows start-up
- keeping the PC safe from virus and gain the maximum performance
Use the link in the box to free download Turbo Windows: The Ultimate PC Speed Up Guide PDF eBook
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