Earth X Sketchbook is an absolutely awesome display of artworks, in this case comic arts, that showcases the sketches and character designs done by three great comic artists involved in Marvel's Earth X comic series. Those three artists are Alex Ross, John Paul Leon, and Bill Reinhold. In this sketchbook we can see how magnificent the modelling of some characters of Marvel universe. The details in the character designs have "enhanced" the characteristics of each character.
Though Alex Ross, John Paul Leon, and surely have their own style as comic artists, through the sketches here it appears that they can collaborate their designs and drawings pretty well to suit each other and the theme of the series itself.
Earth X sketchbook was actually compiled and published following the high demand of Alex Ross's article that was originally released in one Wizard magazine issue. In that article, Ross made some sketches of some Marvel characters (Hulk, Captain America, and Spider-Man) based on his projection of those characters existence in the future, when every human is superhuman.

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