Sincalir Lewis wrote this genius satire to capture the irony about society, social class, standards, behaviors, and, since it's regarded by many that the state Babbitt lives in, Winnemac, is the resemblance of some states in America, then American Dream is also one of the issues in this novel.
Babbitt is a unique, if not paradoxical, character that depicted masterfully by Lewis. This character is so alive and complex of a character that readers might adore him and despise him even only within the range of one or two pages. As a middle class man with middle class family, he tries to make his way to finds a way to improve the life he doesn't please with that he's having.
Sincalir Lewis pictures Babbit's middle-classness with a very interesting perspectives. In these hilarious events, he invites and proudly welcomes a local millionaire businessman to have a dinner at his house, only to find a bad evening because of their "gap of social class." But then he experiences a polar opposite night when he was invited by a friend to have a dinner at that friend's house, someone from "the lower social class." Kind of ironic, and silly if we really look into it. And Sinclair Lewis captures those thing wittily in this novel.
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