This is a fantasy novel for young adult readers (older kids or teenagers) written by the Australian writer, Garth Nix. Abhorsen is the third or final part of the Old Kingdom trilogy.
The story begins Abhorsen's House, which is besieged by Dead Hands led by a former great necromancer, Chlorr of the Mask, who is now under the control of Hedge and Hedge is serving Orannis the Destroyer. The Destroyer is the most evil magical force or being. Lirael and Sameth have to break away from the Abhorsen's House to stop the Destroyer and to save Sameth's friend Nicholas Sayre, who is being used by Orannis as an avatar.
Now Lirael and Sameth now must travel to the Red Lake to find the The Destroyer and as they carry on with the journey through the Old Kingdom, they reveal more about Orannis and its plans to destroy all life.
At the same time, Sameth's mother and father, the Abhorsen Sabriel and Touchstone the King, are beyond the wall in Ancelstierre and try to prevent death of thousands of Southerling refugees. While they are making an effort to reason with a corrupt government of Ancelstierre, they become victims of an assassination attempt and hardly escape from it alive. They rush back to the Old Kingdom to try to save the Southerling Refugees' lives from the other side of the Wall.
While his parents are trying to get back to the Old Kingdom, Sameth and Lirael are on their journey to save Nick, which also means to stop the Destroyer. And the question is, will Lirael and Sameth be able to make it on time, to stop the Destroyer from making its plan to gain eternal freedom? Will they be able to save Nick and also the rest of every existing living existence?
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