Terry Pratchett’s Discworld fantasy series continue its adventurous and hilarious story to the twelfth novel, Witches Abroad. Published in 1991, this book has a unique element that it mixes and resembles some famous fairy-tales.
Desiderata Hollow is a witch and also a Fairy Godmother, who despite her kindness is not very good in planning stuffs. So, following her death, her magic wand is sent to Magrat Garlick but without any instruction in how to use the wand. That wand makes Magrat a new Fairy Godmother, this time to a young woman named Emberella. Desiderata Hollow already made a promise that Emberella will never marry the Duke but this promise now seems like will never happen as Magrat couldn't “operate” the wand properly and there is another witch in Genua named Lily who desires the opposite of that promise.
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